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Choosing The Right Colors For Your Bedroom According To Vastu

Which Colour Is Best For Bedroom According To Vastu
Which Colour Is Best For Bedroom According To Vastu from

What is Vastu Shastra?

Vastu Shastra is an ancient Hindu system of architecture, which literally translates to “science of architecture.” This system helps to bring peace and harmony to the people living in a particular space. It is believed that the colors in a room have a direct effect on the people who inhabit the space. Therefore, it is important to select the right colors for your bedroom, according to Vastu Shastra.

The Basics of Choosing Colors According to Vastu

The colors you use in your bedroom depend on the direction the room is facing. Generally, the colors associated with the four main directions are:

  • North – Blue and Black
  • East – White and Yellow
  • South – Red and Orange
  • West – Green and Brown

The colors you choose should also depend on the type of energy and atmosphere you want to create in your bedroom. For example, if you want to create a calming atmosphere, then colors like blue, white, and green are ideal. If you want to create a vibrant, energizing atmosphere, then colors like red and yellow are ideal.

Choosing the Right Colors for the North Direction

The north direction is associated with the element of water. Therefore, the colors associated with the north direction should be calming and soothing. Colors like blue and black are ideal for the north direction. Blue is a cooling color and it helps to reduce stress and anxiety. Black is also a very calming color, as it can absorb negative energy. It also helps to create a sense of security and stability.

Choosing the Right Colors for the East Direction

The east direction is associated with the element of air. Therefore, the colors associated with the east direction should be light and airy. Colors like white and yellow are ideal for the east direction. White is a very calming color and it helps to create a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere. Yellow is a very energizing color and it helps to create a lively and vibrant atmosphere.

Choosing the Right Colors for the South Direction

The south direction is associated with the element of fire. Therefore, the colors associated with the south direction should be warm and vibrant. Colors like red and orange are ideal for the south direction. Red is a very energizing color and it helps to create a passionate and enthusiastic atmosphere. Orange is a very stimulating color and it helps to create a lively and cheerful atmosphere.

Choosing the Right Colors for the West Direction

The west direction is associated with the element of earth. Therefore, the colors associated with the west direction should be grounded and stable. Colors like green and brown are ideal for the west direction. Green is a very calming color and it helps to create a relaxed and tranquil atmosphere. Brown is a very grounding color and it helps to create a sense of balance and stability.

Other Things to Consider When Choosing Colors According to Vastu

Apart from the colors associated with the four main directions, it is important to consider the colors of the furniture, accessories, and other items in the bedroom. If possible, try to use colors that complement each other. For example, if the furniture in the bedroom is brown, then using colors like green, blue, or white would complement it. Similarly, if the bedding is white, then using colors like blue, green, or brown would complement it.


Choosing the right colors for your bedroom, according to Vastu Shastra, can help to create a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere. The colors you choose should depend on the direction the room is facing and the type of energy and atmosphere you want to create in the bedroom. The colors should also complement the other items in the bedroom. By following these tips, you can create a bedroom that is filled with peace and harmony.

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